Father Elias on the Great Commandments (Matthew 22:34-40)
When you ask a question about what is most important, you usually expect a straightforward and simple answer: It's either this or that thing It cannot be two things. However,…
When you ask a question about what is most important, you usually expect a straightforward and simple answer: It's either this or that thing It cannot be two things. However,…
Hello, friends, brothers, sisters Down Under. First, I apologize for my voice. I've been having some problems with a chronic bronchitis recently. Please pray for me because of the bronchitis.…
Hello, brothers and sisters down there Down Under in Australia. It's Father Elias here from Holland (up here). Today's reading from the Gospel for this Sunday is pretty rough. It's…
"So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known." (Matthew 10:26) Hello, dear brothers and…